Tuesday, December 27, 2011

First contest og 2012!

Jaxx's New Site / New Year Contest!

Answer the Questions below for a chance to win a Calendar, t-shirt, and eBooks from Jaxx Steele. 2 Winners will be chosen. Non-US & Canada Entrees are in the drawing for the ebooks alone.

Jaxx Steele has a new website to jump start the new year! Stop by the website and answer the 6 questions to get your shot at winning!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Guys Like Romance, Too! blog is live!

I have the please of doing the opening post! Along with me, some of the best M/M authors on the net will be stopping by to shamelessly promote their books. Stop by and check it out! If you want in check out the previous post for the theme months and just drop Carson a line! 

January's theme is "firsts" Whatever first your book is based on; first love, first kiss, first time skiing...

February's theme is Valentine's Day and multiple loves!

Guys Like Romance, Too!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

In honor of Thanksgiving...

Hello blog followers!

I just wanted to stop by earlier in the week to spread a little fun thankful cheer for the Thanksgiving season. I have a lot to thankful for, but I'd like to share a personal testimony that I'm particularly thankful for.

My sweetie and I went to my friend Elaine’s house one Saturday morning to bring her some gas. She and her husband managed to run out right down the street from the house and ended up pushing the car home. As Hou and, one of my best friends mind you, stood by the front of their jeep talking, her husband tried to get the jeep started. By some freak accident the clutch popped when he turned the key to see if the car would start and it lurched forward.

The jeep had suddenly plowed down the love of my life and my best friend! She had fallen on top of him and they were pinned beneath the driver’s side tire. Needless to say I freaked! I possibly just saw this man kill my man and my best friend! I was hysterical! I beat the hood repeatedly screaming for him to back up. When he complied, I rushed to their aid.

Talk about divine intervention! They were alive and had suffered only minor injuries. Hou had a bruised his tail bone from impact to the ground and a goose egg sized lump on the back of his head and Elaine had a broken toe and bruises up the right side of her body from the tire.

We didn’t know this, of course until we went to the ER. Neighbors saw what happened and called an ambulance. They asked us what happened when we arrived and we explained no one believed us. How could you get ran over by a jeep Cherokee and live to tell the tale? Of course, all that changed when they saw the tread marks on the scrub pants they cut off Elaine to check her out.

I am extremely thankful that my man or best friend wasn’t really hurt or worse, killed because that was a real possibility, in that accident. I would have needed some heavy duty counseling that I truly can’t afford to ease the crushing pain my heart would have suffered at the lose of the two most important people in my life. Country songs would have been written about me.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, my friends! Take this time to look inside yourself and find who you’re thankful for. They could  be lost to me in a blink of an eye. Tell them how much you love and care for them now while they can hear you. You never if that will be the last time you have to say so.

Jaxx website

Monday, November 21, 2011

What are you thankful for?

Hello blog followers!

I just wanted to stop by and spread fun, thankful, good cheer for the Thanksgiving season. So many things to be thankful for, where to start, where to start…

First…I am so thankful for Margiano’s for coming to Indiana. Talk about the most delicious food ever... It is to die for. I could never get tired of their food. The only problem is eating there all the time would cause two major problems: 1) I’d be big as a house from eating way too much fantastic Italian food and 2) it would render me broke! You have to pay for the good stuff. LOL

Let’s see, what else? Oh! I am so thankful that they kicked Nancy Grace off of Dancing with the Stars…finally! I mean, what the hell! They bounced David Arquette and he was doing great! Nancy’s feet was all over the place. I’m she lost the weight because it looks good on her, but she should never had been there as long as she was. *rolls eyes*

Some else, something— Oh yes! I’m so thankful that I don’t have to go to Colorado to go skiing. Paoli Peaks is only 3 hours away. A day trip is all it takes to get me to the slops. I still suck at it no matter how many times Hou takes me show off his skills, but I still like going. LOL

What else, what else? Oh yes. Although mind is constantly going, rolling over ideas and situations, I am thankful that it doesn’t take more than two drinks to quiet it down. I mean could you imagine. O-O Trust me, you wouldn't want to see me after third. HA! So, kudos to whoever came up with the idea to mix vodka with cranberry juice. Awesome!

Okay, I think I’m done for now. So tell me guys…what fun things are you thankful for this holiday season? My comment box is waiting to hear about it :)

Jaxx website

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Interview with Jaxx Steele

Welcome readers!
We would first like to thank Jaxx Steele for letting us at Guys Like Romance Books, Too! interview him, one of our favorite gay romance authors. First, we’d like to know a little about you, Jaxx.
How long have you been a published author?
I have been published for five years now. I sold my first story in October, 2006.
Do you have a writing ritual? How often do you write and where do you write?
Rituals? You mean like spinning around two times before I sit at my desk or tossing salt over my left shoulder? LOL Nothing as serious as that, but I do have the TV playing whenever I am writing. I need some kind of white noise going on in the back ground before I can immerse myself in the story. I write every day. Sometimes a few minutes sometimes a few hours. It depends on how long the characters talk to me. I have a central location with a desk, shelves, a printer, everything I need, but you can usually find me with my laptop on the couch so that Hou can lie beside me while I write. J
Do you have a favorite genre to write & why?
Although I have books in several genres, contemporary, paranormal, shifter, vampires, May-December, BDSM and pirates, I would say my favorite is BDSM. I like pushing the edge and tampering with the forbidden. LOL
We’ve been to your website, very nice, by the way, and you have several books published. What was the first book you released?
The first book I published was By the Moonlight. I was released in October of 2006. It is a vampire story available at Dreamspinners Press.
Oh yes! I know it well and enjoyed it, too. I confess to not having read all of your books, but I do have a few personal favs, Care Package, Freed from Fear and Frozen Spring Break. Can you tell us how the ideas for these stories originated?
Care Package came to me just after the president signed the repeal for the DADT. I wanted to show what life might have been like for gay men in the service during their time in and after the bill was signed.
As for Freed from Fear, I am from New York and 911 affected me personally. Losing someone is hard enough, but losing them without any type of closer can be even more devastating. I wanted to show the many levels that people grieve on and how they heal.
With Frozen Spring Break, I wanted to do a story from a different perspective. Everyone I know who goes away for spring break goes somewhere warm because it is cold where they are. I figured there had to be someone out there who actually enjoyed the cold weather. LOL So I wrote his story.
Of all your books is there one character who flowed flawlessly onto the page? Was there one who stumbled along struggling to cooperate?
Oh my gosh yes! Sergeant Dwayne Roman (Care Package) was easy as pie. I had his personal story written in two days. It seemed to take forever to get the rest of that story down once he was developed. LOL I also thought Dominick Pappas (Papa knows Best) flowed easily, too. Dana Scott (Freed from Fear) however, was my Achilles heal. He had a lot of emotional issues to work out, so it took some time to get him together. Come to think of it, Lovell Johnston (The gift that keeps on giving) was a pain in the butt, too. LOL In the end I think they came out pretty good.
Indeed they did! How much do you know about your heroes before you begin writing? Are you a plotter or pantster?
I guess I would be a plotter. I know just about everything before I start writing. I know back story, the beginning, the middle and how the story will end. What I don’t know is how the characters get from the beginning to the middle and from the middle to the end. It’s the journey that the characters dictate. At that point I am just dictation as they speak to me.
Your books take place in a lot of different cities. Frozen Spring Break is in Tahoe, Care Package is in Atlanta, A Knight at The Speedway is in Indianapolis and you have a pirate story on your upcoming books list is on a ship! Obviously you did research for that one, but do you usually do a lot research when you write a book?
Yes, I do. I do research on everything I write. I want everything I put into cyberspace to be accurate. I use mostly online sources since they are readily accessible, but I still do personal research too. I visit places and do things first hand so I’d know what it was like. Sometimes secondhand knowledge isn’t enough. You have to experience things for yourself in order to write about them. So, before I say something that can actually be searched and proven yay or nay, I make sure it is true or false before I say it’s true or false.
Hmm, I think I may have to go back and read a few of your books to see if I can guess which were researched and which were actually done.
LOL I’ll never tell.
What are some of the challenges do you face in your writing process?
Getting too caught up in the story is always hard. With Care Package and Freed from Fear I had to relive some pretty bad memories. That was both good and bad. It added realism to the characters, but re-living the situation wasn’t easy.
Do you have a favorite character or story?
That’s like asking a father if he has a favorite child. LOL They say something like, ‘of course not. I love them all the same’. So I will not tell you that I am partial to Right side of the Tracks because it too made me relive a few of my own memories. J
Are there any authors out there that have influenced or inspired your writing?
I would have to say Bertrice Small and Thea Devine had a hand in influencing my writing. Their books were the first erotic romances I ever read. I had read many romances before I came across their books, but they introduced me to the concept that there could be sex in romance novel, not just simulated sex. That gave me the idea to do gay romances.
What has been the happiest moment in your writing career?
Nothing beats the feeling you get when you read the email that says: We would like to offer you a contract for “insert book title here”. The elation that comes with knowing someone else loved your creation cannot be described.
What tip or bit of advice would you share with a fledgling author?
There are two things I’d like to share.
  1. Read what’s out there to see what is accepted and then try to push pass those limits.
  2. Always seek to improve on your craft. No matter how good your story is a publisher won’t bother finishing it if the ‘writing’ sucks. You are a writer as well as an author so learn to write the best you can.

Where can people find you? FB, Twitter, Website, Blog, Publishers etc.
I have a fan page on facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/jaxxsteele
my website: www.jaxxsteele.com
my publishers:
Dreamspinners Press
Muse it Hot
Red Rose Publishing
Silver Publishing
Freya’s Bower
Secret Cravings Publishing

Thanks a bunch Jaxx for allowing us to get to know you better. Before we go, I’m really interested in the pirate story you have coming out at Muse it Hot in the spring. Could you give us a quick peek?
A day on Plunderer’s Pride
By Jaxx Steele
"It’s a pirate’s life is for me!"
Life is hard, but worthwhile on the pirate ship Plunderer's Pride. Follow Captain Julian Hazard and his band of ruffians as they go about their daily business. As you endure the daily struggles and nightly rewards of these ship hardened men you may find that a pirate's life may be for you, too.
"The men are assembled, Cap'n, awaiting your orders," Nigel's voice said outside his cabin some time later.
Captain Hazard swung the door open and followed his right hand man to the main level of the ship. His crew was in full complement covering a good portion of the deck when he rose from the lower level.
"I will get right to it, men. Our rest at Port Royal is over. The governor has given me a Letter of Marque and wants us to take a Spanish galleon before it reaches its home in Hispaniola. We leave before sunrise, but before the adrenaline burns in our blood giving us the energy to fight we will feel it surge with passion! Tonight we feast and renew our bonds, lads! For tomorrow's battle may be glorious and even victorious, but it may also be your last!"
The pirates erupted in a loud cheer. The merriment the captain's words elicited charged the air as he led the way to the galley. The crew feasted on recently pilfered meat, cheeses, wine, fowl and other delicacies from the Panamanian ship. When the meal was done the men left the room pairing off as they moved toward the crew quarters.
Along the three walls were a set of bunk beds to sleep. The room was large, but still too small for so many large men to share comfortably. A thin blanket rested at the foot of each and several small trunks underneath labeled with a man's name. The men chose to share the beds in rotation with the overflow taking to the floors finding their comfort on thicker blankets.
The captain followed his crew mates guiding Nigel into a corner where he sat on a stool and pulled the big man into his lap. The men kissed on the mouths and fondled each other openly. Hard, sea roughened pirates hugged, kissed and touched affectionately on their mates. Soon only heavy breathing, moans and lustful grunts could be heard as the men discarded clothing and got to the business of love making. The space heated quickly and the smell of sweat and sex filled the overcrowded room intoxicating him.
A day on Plunderer’s Pride
Coming Spring, 2012 to Muse it Hot

Here are a few of Jaxx’s favorite things!
Mode of travel –plane
Beverage –LOL vodka and cranberry!
Food: I love a good rib eye, medium well, sautéed mushrooms, red onions and spinach on top, mmm
Place you’ve always wanted to go – Rio, de Janeiro *sigh*
Pets – Cat name Judo and a Mastive-Pitbull mix name King.
Movie – Face Off.
Hobby or past time – I love shooting pool
Dessert – blonde brownie, no nuts
Be sure to to visit our blog Guys Like Romance, Too! Starting December we will be letting Jaxx and other great gay romance author shamelessly plug their books. It'll be a great time. See you there!
guy who likes romance

Friday, November 4, 2011

It's holiday time!

The Gift that keeps on Giving

Lovell Johnston was home for the holidays when he met Avery Lockhart. He had made up his mind a long time ago that when he got into another relationship it was going to last. Avery was perfect for him everything he could ask for in a man. He was handsome, educated, sexy, available and totally interested in him. The only thing was Lovell lived in the city and Avery lived in his home town. Would the distance and fear of being a holiday booty call be enough to keep them apart when all they wanted to do was be together?

Christmas Nick for Everyone

It was Christmas time again and Evan was celebrating the same ole way. Not hanging with the fellas or enjoying a secret Santa exchange at a party, but back at his sister's house. This year, however, would be a little different for Evan. This year he would learn that being a Good Samaritan had tangible benefits as well.

Coming Christmas, 2011
Hosting for the Holidays

Hector had chosen the Christmas time for his young lover, Chad, to meet his best friends for the first time. Christmas Eve dinner went well and felt Chad felt he had made a group of new friends. To celebrate New Year's Eve Chad made special plans for him and Hector, will the impromptu appearance of their friends threatened to ruin his big surprise?


Friday, October 21, 2011

FallO'ween Contest Win Up to 6 eBooks From Dana L, Jaxx S, and Dee O

Jaxx Steele - New Contract, Free Read, Great Books, Blogs, Fall Contest
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Jaxx has a few new treats for you readers today...

Contest Time

Follow Jaxx Steele, Dana Littlejohn, Dee Owens and Personalized Marketing will automatically enter your name into a drawing for one of the 3 prizes mentioned below...Contest Ends Oct 31st 2011

1st - 2 eBooks each by Authors Jaxx, Dana or Dee for a total of 6 eBooks!
2nd - 1 eBooks from Jaxx, Dana or Dee for a total of 3 eBooks
3rd - 1 eBook from the Author the of your choice

Author - Titles
1. Jaxx Steele - Frozen Spring Break and After the Storm
2. Dana Littlejohn - Book 1 of the Dioni Chronicles: Mikhail's Hunt and Asian Spice
3. Dee Owens - Fay's Wish and La Roe's

Follow Personalized Marketing and Promotions (as well as the authors) to receive information on all of the authors mentioned above and Personalized Marketing will throw a free eBook of your choice from any of the Authors Current Releases.

Personalized Marketing is even making it easy for you... All you have to do is follow the links below... Add/Follow and then let Dee Owens of Personalized Marketing know where and your Profile/Username
pr_marketing@live.com If you are already following any of the Authors Prior to the Contest you can still enter just let us know where and whom.

Upcoming Releases by Jaxx Steele

Hosting for the Holidays- Christmas, 2011- Muse it Hot

Vegas Valentine- (Hosting for the Holidays 2) Valentine, 2012- Muse it Hot

Cam's Best Friend - March, 2012 - Silver Publishing

Plunderer's Pride- pirate- May, 2012 Muse it Hot

Getting to know Jaxx...

Facebook Fan Page....

New Twitter Account...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hi Everyone!

Last week I participated in my very first blog tour! While I was away on vacation Care Package took a five day tour on five different blogs. I gave away a prize a day to those who commented. Did you stop by the tour? The link is still posted on my website.
It may be too late to get a the prizes but it's not too late too read all the different blog entries and learn a little bit more about me.

Here are the winners:

Carol L, Krystal Larson, Vanessa Johnson, Jen B and MJB
! Congratulations ladies!

Jaxx's website

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Contest winners!

I want to say thanks to all who stopped by and all who posted. Now without further delay the winners!

Pender Mackie- t-shirt

Fabian Black- t-shirt

Loveless 3173- ink pen

Winners please email me offline with your addresses so I can send then out to you. My thanks again for participating. Please check out my twitter and FB page for my blog tour next week for my latest release Care Package (available at Silver Publishing!)



Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 5 of Getting to know Jaxx!

Contest time!
If you've been hanging around all week THANKS! I hope you got to know me and my books a little better. As a thank you I would like to give away a few prizes. I have 2 t-shirts, 2 ink pens and a free book (readers choice).

5 lucky people who made comments will win. The winners will be chosen at random from each post (so if you posted daily you have more of a chance to win).

Catch! You can only win one gift. So even if you posted everyday if you win the Tuesday prize you can't win the Friday prize. (sorry, we must play fair)

Thanks for hanging out and I hope I didn't wear out my welcome! See ya next time! Have a great Holiday Weekend!

Jaxx website

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Get to know Jaxx: day 4

Today's topic: your books!

Which book took the longest to complete?
Most of them took about the same time, but Freed From Fear (Muse it Hot) seemed to take forever to get done. Dana and Frank wouldn't talk to me consistently so it took longer than the others. I wrote 2 other books while writing that one.

What book came to you and just flowed to the pages?
By the Moonlight (Dreamspinners Press). I saw Byron practically cast a line out and snare Jared to coax him over to the dark side...so to speak. LOL It was like I was there watching Byron convice his friend that he loved him and they would be happy together. All I had to do was write down what I saw.

What character was the easiest to write?
Dwayne Roman (Care Package-Silver Publishing). Along with By the Moonlight, this book was easy to write. It was like I knew Roman personally, his likes, dislikes, wants, needs, everything. I was just telling a friend's story that needed to be told and he wouldn't shup up talking to me until I finished it. LOL

What book made you do the most research?
I did a lot of research for Healing the Beast Within (Phaze). I wanted my folklore to ring true. I always do my homework before I state something that could be looked up as real.

Do you prefer doing contemporary romance or fantasy? Which are your favorites? Why?
Although I have many more contemporaries than fantasies, I like those better. They're more fun to do. My favorite contemporary romance is The gift that keeps on giving (Red Rose Publishing)because it shows how close Lovell and his family was and they really did know what was best for him. As for the fantasy, I guess it would be Indian Blood Moon (Phaze) just because I loved building Magnus. :)

Don't forget to leave a comment for your chance to win a prize in tomorrows drawing!

Jaxx website

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Get to know Jaxx day 3

Today's topic: Know Jaxx from A-Z!

{A is for age:] ~ 34 and holding
[B is for beer of choice:] ~ MGD!
[C is for career:] ~ Author
[D is for favorite drink] ~ Vodka and cranberry juice
[E is for essential item you use everyday:] ~ cologne
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] ~ Marvin Gaye and Chardonnay
[G is for favorite game:] ~ billards
[H is for hometown] ~ Brooklyn, NY (always a Brooklynite no matter where I end up)
[I is for instruments you play:] ~ clarinet
[J is for favorite juice?:] ~ Apple
[K is for kids?:] ~ 1 (long story)
[L is for languages? ] ~ English, Spanish, French and broken English LOL
[M is for mate?] ~ yes, taken
[N is for name of your best friend(s)] ~ Tony
[O is for overnight hospital stays:] ~ none
[P is for phobias:] ~ claustrophobia
[Q is for quote?] ~ Be the change you want to see in the world.
[R is for regrets?] ~ No regrets. Everything happens for a reason.
[S is for self-confidence:] ~ Plenty, thanks.
[T time you wake up] ~ 0530
[U is for underwear:] ~ Only when necessary *wink*
[V is for vegetable you love:] ~ Brocolli
[W is for wine] I like white, but I've tasted a few good reds.
[X is for x-rays you've had:] ~ lots, I was a rough kid!
[Y is for yummy food you make:] ~ I make a mean omelet. Thanks Hou!
[Z is for zodiac sign :] ~ Capricorn

Don't forget to leave a comment for your chance to win a prize at the end of the week!

Jaxx website

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 2 of Get to know Jaxx! week

Today's topic:This and That

What annoys the heck out of you?
When people say you're gay like it's a bad thing. Doesn't it really mean happy anyway?

What makes you laugh?
Going down a snowy hill in an inner tube!

What brings back fond memories?
Drinking a Sloe Gin Fizz. It was the first real drink I had with my father.

What's your favorite drink?
Vodka and cranberry juice!

What food do you dislike?
Can't stand OKRA! Gross! Slimy god-aweful food that should only be ingested as a punishment!

Don't forget to leave a comment to be entered into the prize pool at the end of the week!

Jaxx website

Monday, August 29, 2011

Get to know Jaxx Steele Week!

Hello everyone!
A few of the readers have asked me some crazy questions during a chat or two that I feel like my reader friends don't seem to know me. Well, I decided to have a Get to know Jaxx Steele forum! Every day I will post a different series of questions so you get to me better personally and professionally. Leave a comment and be entered into a contest at the end of the week for cool prizes!

5 lucky people who make comments will win. The winners will be chosen at random from each post (so if you comment daily you have more of a chance to win).

Catch! You can only win once. So if you post everyday and are chosen for the Tuesday prize you can't win the Friday prize, too. (sorry, we must play fair)

Today's topic is 'one word to describe Jaxx'
Here are today's questions!

Which word would you use to decribe yourself and your personality?

Which word would your best friend use to describe you?


Which word would you use to describe the one person you love most in this world?


Which word would you use to describe the one person from your childhood who you think shaped who you are today?

Which word do you want to be a part of your future?


Jaxx website

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Free Reads!

The free reads are here! Stop by Kool Queer Lit to read and enjoy great M/M romances. Lunch Break, Jaxx Steele (yours truly) and Because You Loved Me, by Remmy Duchene are available now! Coming soon, The Awakening, Garland!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Free Read!

Jaxx Steele has written a free read just for you, all my faithful readers! All 7 seven of you. :-) If there are more of you, well, that's cool to.
Starting August 1st a free read will be available for download on my website. No tricks, no gimmicks, just a little thank you to my readers for being my readers!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Contest Time!

Spring Time is finally upon us! It may not feel like it in your town right now, but give it a few days, it will catch up *wink* Besides Easter, the part I look forward to each spring is Spring Break. To celebrate spring break I wrote Frozen Spring Break and began this contest.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to answer the five questions about the short story Frozen Spring Break.
Answer the questions then send them to me with contest in the subject line to jaxxsteele@gmail.com
It's just that simple! Your name will be entered into the hat to win a prize!

Four prizes will be given out:
1) a t-shirt
2) a baseball style hat
3) a refrigerator magnet
4) a free ebook (readers choice)

If you haven't gotten the book yet you're in luck!
The contests starts March 15th and ends April 30th!

Here are the questions:

1) Where did Greg spend many Christmas vacations as kid?

2) What is Greg's occupation?

3) Who owns the lodge that Greg stays at in Lake Tahoe?

4) What did Tom hand to Greg when he came downstairs after changing into dry clothes?

5) Where does Tom live?

Good Luck!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New reads coming coming from Jaxx Steele!

Coming Soon!

Victor Bradley was raised by a tree sprite after the death of his parents. When he became an adult he moved to the city, but the pull of the forest never left his heart. He took a leave of absence to take care of the only mother he ever knew, but was it his concern for her that brought him back to the forest or was it fate?

Leaving New York was the hardest thing Dana Scott had to do. Although 911 had taken the love of his life leaving him alone everything he had left was there. Time had eased the pain in his heart, but he had decided not to take another lover.
Francisco de la Fuenta was a charming, charismatic, social butterfly that men and women loved to be around. He had everything a man of his caliber could want, a great social life, his own business and true friends. What he didn't have, he didn't know he wanted until Dana Scott entered his life.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Keeping you posted!

Don't know if anyone is actually seeing this, but I did say I would keep up with it. I am committed to posting at least twice a week, possibly more as info comes in, but definitely twice. I don't know which days that will be, but it will take place during the calendar week (Sun-Sat). Keeping with my promise I thought I would update you on accepted contracts.

Silver Publishing, (home of Marked for Life) has accepted Claiming Cupid. Coming Valentine's Day, 2011, cover pending. Here is the blurb:

Daniel was sick and tired of Max’s ‘boyfriends’ dogging him. He thought Max deserved better and wanted him to be his man so he could treat him better, but was afraid to jeopardize their friendship by making any unwanted moves. When Max broke up with his latest lover the day before Valentine's Day, Daniel could take it no more. He put a plan of action in place to claim and protect the heart of his old friend.

Talk more later!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Jaxx Steele here drama free and ready to roll into 2011 full speed ahead!
I have every intention on keeping up with this blog this year. I know I slipped in the past. My only excuse is that I just got too busy to commit and that's a lame excuse. Therefore, it is a new day and I have new tactics in place! I am back to stay Jaxx Steele readers!
Here's how I'm kick starting this year:
January 2011:
Sadly I have nothing coming out in Janusry, but feel free to check out my end of the year releases!

October 2010:

Indian Blood Moon
available at Phaze
Small town reporter Dante Tyler lives his mundane life wishing for something more. When he was sent to cover a Halloween party for his newspaper he finds that the most horrible encounter of his life turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to him.

November 2010:
Healing the Beast Within:
available at Phaze
Cursed for a crime he did not commit, Keith Turner had given up on love. Even after making that decision, he still spent every night being tortured. His brother Kevin was confident that they could find a way to break the curse, but it wasn’t until Keith met Marcello that he ever took Kevin’s ideas to heart.

December 2010:
Christmas Nick for Everyone:
available at Phaze
It was Christmas time again and Evan was celebrating the same ole way. Not hanging with the fellas or enjoying a secret Santa exchange at a party, but back at his sister’s house. This year, however, would be a little different for Evan. This year he would learn that being a Good Samaritan had tangible benefits as well.

The Gift that keeps on Giving:
available at Red Rose Publishing
Lovell Johnston was home for the holidays when he met Avery Lockhart. He had made up his mind a long time ago that when he got into another relationship it was going to last. Avery was perfect for him everything he could ask for in a man. He was handsome, educated, sexy, available and totally interested in him. The only thing was Lovell lived in the city and Avery lived in his home town. Would the distance and fear of being a holiday booty call be enough to keep them apart when all they wanted to do was be together?

February 2011:

Marked for Life
coming to Silver Publishing
Victor Bradley was raised by a tree sprite after the death of his parents. When he became an adult he moved to the city, but the pull of the forest never left his heart. He took a leave of absence to take care of the only mother he ever knew, but was it his concern for her that brought him back to the forest or was it fate?